Creative Styles for Capture One

by John Schell

New and refreshed Capture One Styles to help you bring your images to life. From Casual and Subtle to Sun Drenched and Dramatic. Please visit the FAQ section below. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please feel free to reach out anytime at


To be honest, I never wanted to nor expected to be selling Creative Style Packs. In fact, for the longest time, whenever someone asked if I was planning on making any, I would explain that I just wasn’t interested and that it just didn’t feel right to be selling a standardized method for editing photos. It was too generic. blah blah blah.. Fast forward a couple of years and and couple of collaborations later, and I began receiving a tremendous amount of positive feedback on the Style Pack I had created as an ambassador for Capture One. It was about that time I had an epiphany; I wasn’t selling my work or my creativity, I was selling tools for other photographers to use and grow their own creativity. And that felt great. And that’s what I present here. My tools. My jumping off points. Sure these Styles will work fine on their own, but they’ll be even better once you get under the hood and get your hands dirty. Learn how they work, learn why they work and make them your own. 
Yeah, but still…WHY? 
Great question. Over the last few years, I’ve noticed that the majority of questions I get from photographers (next to ‘what camera / what lens / what location’) is related to toning. Rather than go through and simply explaining the process in some long winded Youtube video or DM’s back and forth, I’ve decided to put up some of my most favorite styles and let YOU do the dirty work. I’ll still most likely do a long-winded Youtube video, but what I love about the Styles is what I mentioned above - they’re a jumping off point for you to discover your own personal style. 
Is this the same Pacific Latitude Style Pack that’s for sale on the Capture One website? 
I am very proud that my Pacific Latitude Capture One styles went on to become the most popular and highest selling Styles on the Capture One website, and while I do offer those here at a discount, these styles are brand new for 2021. 
Are the Styles easy to install? 
Yes, very much so. Once you download and unzip the files, you can import them into Capture One by clicking on the Styles and Presets tab and then clicking the three dots and using the ‘import styles’ feature. Once the import dialogue opens, navigate to the folder where the .costyles files are and double click them. They should appear as options in the Styles and Presets tab immediately. 
Are the Styles one size fits all / why doesn’t the style look good right away and on all images? 
Admittedly, there are some style packs and presets out there that are a one-fit ‘set it and forget it’ solution for every photo, for every photo shoot. And those are fantastic and easy. I wish I could make something that worked on every image. But as we know, photography is a dynamic, ever-changing art. For every shoot, there are as many different ways to tone and edit your images. That said, most of these Styles should look great without any tinkering around with the sliders, but the tinkering around is where the fun and creativity reside. So, once the Style is applied, a bit of playing around is not only be expected, but encouraged. Get in there and start moving things around. Or not. It’s entirely up to you. 
Anything I missed? Please feel free to reach out anytime.